January 10, 2018

Hit Reset

Despite the big cliche talk of 'new years resolutions' and 'positive attitudes' the first week (or 9 days?) of 2018 were crappy. I felt like Tucker here, falling through a hole waiting to be rescued. On January 2 my husband blew out a tire and had to have the car towed (on the way home from Tucker's first indoor soccer clinic practice no less), no school on the 4th or 5th for snow, the baby broke out in an infectious rash on the 6th and had a double ear infection by the 7th, the basement pipes began leaking on January 8th, and today there is a client disaster at work.

But rather than despair (baby is still not sleeping despite my prayers and hopes for sleep in 2018), I'm hitting reset, both on the computer (because the internet is slower than a toddler getting dressed today), and on the new year. The tire is fixed, the pipe stopped leaking, the amoxicillin has kicked in, and Tucker loves soccer. And I've reevaluated the no wine on weeknights resolution...

**Update: As my karma for complaining above, since these events transpired last week, a few more have piled on. Husband gets massive tonsil infection and cant eat, hear, or swallow. Another snow day, school cancelled. Tucker sprains knee and needs a trip to urgent care at 6pm Thursday night to be sure nothing is torn. Baby's ENT appointment we waited forever to get is cancelled, news given to us after we arrive at scheduled appointment. Same car with repaired tire and tow on the 2nd now needs new 'blower' which costs $400 plus labor. SO I think I'm waiting until February for that reset.....

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