October 25, 2017


This bundle is 9 months old, and let me tell you- the joy is boundless. But don't be fooled- he still doesnt sleep, and refuses his crib. So alongside our joy sits chronic exhaustion, holding a forceful grip over mind and body, making certain daily activities sometimes enormously challenging (and causing me to feel extreme jealousy when I see mattress commercials featuring fresh faced people climbing into bed at night).

Wells has 2 teeth, eats almost exclusively homemade meals (as he began refusing pureed food in a  jar after his first bite of my meatballs), stands up with little effort, cruises along furniture, climbs an entire flight of stairs, laughs hysterically when Tucker tickles his feet, crawls faster than most people run, loves the pool (happily we have an indoor pool with a family membership nearby), and loves his brother. He also enjoys finger painting, and saying 'dada' over and over at anything that moves (including the family cat).

1 comment:

  1. Aw! He is so cute. I can't believe he is 9 months old already.



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